Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 4 Story Planning: Lets Go Find Mew!

I kind of already did some story planning in my Part C notes for Sampati. My notes from the story about Sampati are below and the story planning is below the image. I was probably ready to go ahead and write this story but time is very limited due to coding projects and sleep seems more appealing to me than stressing over writing a good story.

Most of the soldiers that Sugriva sent out to look for Sita are finally returning. Sadly the soldiers that are returning are the ones that were send to the north, east and west. Then it is revealed that the people that were sent to the south do in fact have information about Sita. The monkeys and bears that were searching for Sita were talking about Jatayu and the bird person Sampati just happens to hear the name and listens in. Turns out that Sampati is Jatayu's brother and he wants to hear of the news about his brother. It is sad that his brother died trying to save Sita from Ravana but Sampati saw exactly where the evil king Ravana took her. He points them in the directing and goes on his way. 
(Sampati - The bird on the left)
This story stuck out to me because all these people are searching everywhere for Sita but have no clue where to look. It would be easy to turn this story into my own and turn the target into a super rare Pokemon. Or make it like a murder mystery and they're searching everywhere for the killer with little leads. Then the people looking for the target just happen to run into someone who knows their exact location.
(My best Pokemon card. The Legendary Pokemon Mew!
Source: me)
If I do go the route where the target is a super rare Pokemon I will for sure choose the legendary Pokemon Mew. The people hunting down the Pokemon will be searching forever and some random person will somehow know his exact location. The entire goal of my story is to finally find this Pokemon that has run away in fear of its life. In my story the reason this pokemon is so rare is because the humans hunted them into extinction and this is the last one. The humans have plans to use this last Mew to somehow get the species back on the map.

Bibliography : Online free Ramayana, Story titled "Sampati"

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