Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading Notes: Ashwattaman's Jewel, Part D

The war is over and the whole Mahabharata is very similar to The Game of Thrones. It doesn't matter if you love a character or not every person in the story is expendable.

Ashwattaman does a very terrible thing and raids a Pandava camp at night. The earlier fighting scenes talk about how everyone seems to follow the rules of battle. In example, when Arjuna and Karna were fighting, Arjuna's bowstring broke and he pleaded that Karna allow him to re-string it. Also the wheel on Karna's car got stuck in the mud and he pleaded a cease fire too until the elements of the battle are even. Then when Bhima struck Duryodhana below the waist everyone was mad.
Source: Web)

But here is Ashwattaman, he has lost and has nothing else to lose and decides to enter a camp at night which is surely against the rules of battle. He ends killing all of Draupadi's children and she demands vengeance.  They don't see a need to kill him so instead they take the Jewel from his head that is believed to keep him from hunger, thirst, and poison.

It would be cool to find out where this jewel came from. This could be a story idea. An adventure that follows Ashwattaman in a forest and him having to complete some task/kill some god in order to get this jewel that is magical.
Bibliography - Online Mahabharata, Story titled "Ashwattaman's Jewel"
Author: Donald A. Mackenzie

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