Friday, May 5, 2017

Famous Last Words

It has been a pretty crazy semester but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. After this blog post I will be done with my first class of the semester. There's no better way than to end it with a famous last words post!

Right now I am enrolled in 4 classes including this one. This semester has been one of my hardest so far but I am almost done. There was a time earlier in the semester when I doubted whether or not I could pass a certain class but at this point I need a 60 on the final to pass. The grades I'm getting this semester aren't not great. However, I will have knocked out one of the hardest classes in my degree so I am fine with it. I am looking forward to summer so I can finally have a moment to sit back and relax for more than a few hours.

Image result for accomplished
(Mission to finish the semester accomplished.
source: Web)

My plans this summer are to take a summer class and work a lot. The class I will be taking is astronomy. The reason I chose this class is because I want to continue playing pokemon go at night. What better way to play than to play while I star gaze for my astronomy class? Also, if anybody here wants to find me I'll be at the huff playing basketball 2-3 times a week over the summer. It's what my friends and I do when we have time and it's really fun.

Reading Notes: Devdutt Pattanaik Videos, Part G: Brahma's Secret

The world exists to help us understand ourselves. Brahma created the world in order to understand himself. Brahma creates kama, yama, karma, ego, and the three worlds. The purpose of life is to realize ego and overpower it.

Bibliography: Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art: Part G (Brahma's Secret)
Author/From: Devdutt Pattanaik

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

Didn't know these tech tips were so easy to complete! I added a weather widget and it only took me about 10 minutes. Right now I'm scrapping to get enough points to get an A in the class. I wish I took the time earlier in the semester do some of these tech tips. Not only are they free points, they show you some valuable tools on how make your blog even more unique.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Epics of India Improvements

I myself enjoyed this class and don't really see any place there needs improvements. However I do like the idea of adding some creative writing tutorials for students to watch. Sometimes it's hard to sit down and read about how your writing is wrong. But if there was a visual example you could see with a voice explaining it I feel like it would stick to the student better. I do not like the idea of changing the review week to a planning week though. It was nice to have a week to take a step back from the class and actually see what you've accomplished up to that point in the semester. If you changed it to a planning week then you wouldn't have the same time to take a step back to see what you've done.
Overall, this class is great and I don't think there is any place that needs improvements.