Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Reading Notes: (Online free) Ramayana, Part B

Upon Bharata's return he is chilled with the news that his brother has been exiled and his father has died. When his mother tries to comfort him he wants nothing to do with her. He left with a father and older brother and returned with neither. Bharata plans to set off into the jungle to find his older brother Rama and bring him home. But before he can do that Bharata must perform the funeral for his father who had passed. Bharata quickly finds his beloved brother Rama in the Chitrakuta forest. Bharata wants nothing to do with his moms evil doing and tries to persuade Rama into coming back. Rama refuses and keeps his fathers promise. "Is a woman to consider herself a widow when her husband is out of sight? Know, all of ye, that I will be faithful to the mandate of my sire. I will keep my promise which I cannot recall. Let Bharata reign, for I will dwell in the jungle." Bharata returns to the city but he brings a treasured item with him. He told his brother to put on a golden pair of sandals to represent him in the throne room. Whenever Bharata gets any gifts he presents them to his brothers sandals first because he is ruling in place of Rama until he returns.

Rama, Lakshmana, and Sita are on their journey when they run into a man-eating rakshasa named Viradha. Viradha takes Sita so Rama and his brother spring into action. Turns out this demon has a curse on it making it immune to weapons. Nothing stops Rama though, him and his brother break both his arms and beat him up good. They throw him in a pit to die and he reveals that Rama has freed him from his curse.

The sister of Ravana, Shurpanakha, runs into Rama. She chooses him as her husband and shape shifts into a beautiful women, more beautiful than Sita. Rama obviously chooses Sita though. To evade the evil woman Lakshmana cuts of her nose and ears. Shurpanakha rushes to her brother, Khara, who will fight whoever harmed his sister. He gathers 14 others and charges in. They quickly die so he assembles 14 thousand others this time. When the 14,000 raksashas are readying their attack Rama orders Lakshmana to take Sita to a secret cave for safety. Rama is armed with a celestial bow and has no issue raining down fire arrows on his enemy. Rama wins and his wife and brother return to praise him.

Shurpankha retreats to her brother Ravana and commands him to take revenge. He wants him to take Sita away from Rama. Ravana plans for Maricha to pose as a deer that looks like treasure to try and lead Sita away. Rama ends up chasing Maricha and killing it. In his dying words he mimics Rama and calls out for helps. Sita commands Lakshmana to leave her side to aid Rama and this is when Ravana attacks. He ends up taking her and the Jatayu sees it and intervenes. He tries to save Sita but isn't strong enough for Ravana. Sita leaves some of her jewelry as a token for Rama to know which way Ravana is taking her.

I am not sure if I did this correctly.... I know you said not to summarize but that's exactly what I did. As the weeks pass and I know what is expected of the story I'm sure I'll figure out what to include in these notes. As for now I am going to stick to this.

Bibliography - Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition - not sure about the author here

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